Monday, November 16, 2009

During these days.

The swine flu epidemic has expanded. Its in estonia too. Noones dead yet and I don't think there will be any deaths...all the estonians are kind of used to all these flu's. And so am I. Last time I was ill when we had a gig in Sweden- stage dive day out. Now I feel NOT SO good again and funny thing is, we have a gig on friday.

We're marking the calender for remembering when will this year end. AT WORK THAT IS...
Ah man I'm dizzeeeeee. Working and being like an adult "should" be is alright and stuff, but you know what...I kind of miss daylight. I mean, its not the same when you get it from the window and all. I see it in the morning and erm in the weekend...thats it.

Another nice thing is that I've got my vacation planned:P- isn't that awesome. Snowboarding in Are, sweden. AH, I keep seeing these nice dream where i throw off every edge I see, with a 3 60 or some grab. ÕAAAH. CAN'T WAIT.

I'm finishing my work for today, Hope I won't fall really ill...we've got quite many preparations for our gig, new stuff to present and some jam sessions to start off. YEAH, actually can't wait to get my ass to the rehearsal room, its been awhile...since finland...

FUCK I SURE HOPE MY AMP IS OK! I SPilled some drinks on my head during the gig....FEKH...

But, see ya around:P Keep posting those stories on our FB discussion. Its so inspiring to read the stories...REALLY AWESOME!!!

ps. I just hate when the lack of freetime messes up your special time with your closest people, loved ones, and family. whäää.:D

psps. and my blogging kind of suffers by this..timelessnessnessess